Saturday, May 28, 2011

Losing Weight Fast

When you wanna lose weight fast, Start by drinking healthy drinks other than soda. And start eating things like salads more often and watch your calorie intake per day. Also excersisng is a good thing to do on a daily bases.

Gift Cards

Using gift cards is can allow you to make a purchase on something without using cash. Msny of your local stores or supermarkets may have gift cards. Some stores even sell gift cards that are for other stores. Gift cards can have a good bit of money on them and if you make a purchase and there is still money on your card, you can go back to the store another day and yous the rest of the money. Gift cards also make good gifts on Christmas morning or even a birthday. See what kind of store you or your family members and even your friends like and see if there are gift cards for those stores.

Making A Resume!

When you are making a resume, Be sure to see what kind of job you are lokking for. Alos write down what kind  of schooling you had. And be sure to add your work experience. And the most important part about writing a resume, Include a phone or email address so that you can be reached for the news.Also it will not hurt to include your interest and goals when making it. And always put your real information because there a chance that the truth will come out anyway. Good Luck!!

Rise of Flight

r.o.f is a cool game thats only foe the pc. Get it and fly wuth people all over the world.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Holocause Museum

Come to the holocaust museum to see the world of a prisoner as the jews in europe saw it too. Vist the wall of rememberance to see many victims of the german army of ww2.

At home travel tips!!!

Think of where you wanna go and check to see the esiest way to get there. See how much it will cost and then start saving up for your supplies.

Planting A Gaeden

Planting a garden is a fun way to spend time with your family!!


Lets respect all of our veterans from the very first war fought by our forefathers to the wars today.


We should honor our veterans for which they have fought and died for the freedom of our country. They were and are the people who shape our futures and the generations to come.

MEMORIAL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Respect the men and women who fight so we can be free. The love and hate to fight for us but if the didnt then what would the world be.